# Support
This project is OpenSource and maintained as needed by JBay Solutions.
If you need this plugin to do more than it does, there are three options:
# Do it and submit PR
You do it yourself and if you would like to contribute back, submit a PR.
# Request the Feature
Send over a Request Feature issue using GitHub, and if it is inside the scope of this plugin, we can implement if for you.
Keep in mind that we are busy, and to implement features we need to allocate someone, which costs money, time, etc. We do this on our free time and is dependent on the availability of a team member.
So, with this is mind, remember to provide as many details as possible of what you want, how you want it and context.
# Hire Us
You need it fast?
Don't have time to do it yourself?
Don't know how to do it yourself?
Don't want to wait for someone on our side to have free time and work on it?
The solution is to, Hire Us.
You can reach us through our website : JBay Solutions
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